This will feature agates from my personal collection
This was one of the first agates that I self collected, cut and polished. This guy was found on a dirt road in Webb County (Aguilares Ranch Rd.)

This is one of my favorite agate because of the location that it was found. I found this guy on a quiet dirt road in Quemado Texas. My grandfather hand build my brother and I a go cart when we were kids and this was one of the roads we used to ride on. I have many great memories of this area

This next fortification agate with purple inclusions was found in north west Laredo Texas off of “Old Mines Rd” I grew up about 40 miles from Old mines road and as a child head many amazing stories and tall tales of treasure, gold, gems and ruthless bandits. Most of these stories are untrue.

This next guy I found on the side of the road west of Freer Texas on FM 2895 basically at the intersection of highway 59. This is a great place to stop and use the bathroom actually one of my favorites!

This next specimen come from the now closed for collecting Walker ranch in west Texas Big bend area. In my opinion the Big bend area of west Texas produces some of the finest red plume agate in the world and this piece is no exception. I bought this uncut agate from friend Matt Dillon in Beeville Texas. He is one of my rock hounding meteors and I appreciate his kindness and willingness to show me the best spots.

It’s been crazy busy lately you guys are ordering a ton of rocks and I haven’t had time to post. I also have too many rocks to do a little story on each so I’m just going to post them. #6

Very nice pieces! 👍
I will be adding new agate from my collection every couple of days until I get them all posted